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Plant for Diversity
77% 🌍 That's how many companies say their sustainability initiatives increase customer loyalty. So, how can you? one tree planted

Has there ever been a greater opportunity for the human race to acknowledge its place within the Natural Universe of things? Maybe not I feel. The question that remains to me is will we miss the chance to do so? Our extinct ancient cultures clearly succumbed to not working with the Natural order. Somehow, in ways beyond our dominion, the Natural world laid bare the frailty of the folly we create, over and over. Could it be we have not learnt the language to communicate well with what gives life, are we blind to it? Is it elusive or have we merely got it all wrong? Who really knows?


One thing is clear, we humans had better learn this Natural language, and fast, the window is shorter and mostly we are still oblivious. Relay all the disaster stories one likes but sincerely speaking its useless to do so. The disaster has been over the many thousands of years we have been domineering and not listening. What I wish to relay is this, regenerative thoughts allow regenerative culture to come alive, no pointing fingers, just good perceptions creating the foundations for life to grow beyond the things we see. Give in and give over. We are Natures products. We just need to blend in a bit more!

A regard for the Natural cycles is regenerative farming and it changes the direction of the unaligned or uninitiated for the better. Forward with the language of Nature our ancestors knew, but failed to master. It is now ready to download for free. Just notice the living forces of it all and harness the energy system of life, it is always free. It is all knowingly connected.


So in short when we refer to wilding, rewilding, regenerating what does it really mean? It means doing all we can to secure life knowingly contributing to the Natural cycles of life itself. We have not just discovered all of this yet some privileged ones seem to finally notice and write to tell us all about it, even make films. It has been around feeding us for all human existence this wilderness. We were just scared of it so chose to dominate it to extinction.


Regenerating is in my opinion about taking the dominion out of farming and giving control back to the farmer who has local mouths to feed. The poisonous trade it had become is not the fault of the farmer as they were told it was good, superlative, a quality benefit even, when in truth we were all duped by the sales pitch from profiteering liars. It has effected everyone on this planet and is finally reaching conclusion, it is time to move ahead without it. Here is how.


Repair the web of life in soils and rehydrate! Repeat.   


Landtribe is establishing plant nurseries in all regions where we and our partners have acquired land. Our outlook is to only plant a forest where we can guarantee long term stability through ownership. We buy land to secure this outcome and ensure management of the project for now and future generations. Our carbon sequestering and capturing forecasts are taken from the 100 year life span of a tree and ensuring that starting point exists.    


Each of our projects has a succession tree and plant diversity planting plan for maximising soil restoration. This ignites the carbon capturing capacity of the ecosystems soils. The rainfall retention design maximises and charges subterranean water and surface water for all life systems. Regenerating soils and life giving waters. A Natural cycle returned to function.


Landtribe nurtures every project and provides after care and management over the long term. We calculate carbon offsetting through planting trees yet planting of diverse species is the overall plan which maximises that potential. This is the most effective symbiotic sequestering there is and as our lands are protected in perpetuity and serving the carbon capture within a growing forested ecosystem. Young forests sequester carbon faster whilst older forests capture more.  


Our guidance comes through realising Nature nurtures not a single thing alone, it has a diverse range of plants, trees, animals and more in any natural system. We emulate the native ecology in restoring land towards stable habitats supporting flora, fauna and stable soil health. This enables 30% of the land to host natural regenerative farming providing for local consumption food and also caretakers of the rewilded land which consitutes 70%.  

Landtribe is about restoring wild ecosystems for microbial life in soils, animals and flora that flourish alongside a thriving land based community. We create landscapes that fast tracks biodiversity giving the basis for native succession forests to grow well. In this process carbon sequestration and long term capture are achieved along with establishing land caretakers and farmers. They become guardians of the restored habitats for the long term conservation of the restored environment. In our understanding this is best way to align with the natural balance so affected by human induced climate change. Overall our effort allow carbon to remain in the Earth and be part of the cycle in equilibrium giving life affirming oxygen.


We are a mission led business repurposing land between the UK and Europe that regenerates, rewilds and conserves land using people power and Natures guidance. Our mission being to create fertility corridors wherever possible. These corridors provide local food source and Nature havens protected in perpetuity and farmed regeneratively.

Through bringing our vision to life it will be possible to sustainably travel from the northern tip of Europe to the southern tip on the Landtribe route and never be more than 50 kms from a Landtribe project.

People with real skills in sustainable agriculture, localised renewable energy production and living off the land have few places to experiment, innovate and scale their ideas. Typically the high costs of land inhibit innovation so collective efforts such as Landtribe projects create new opportunities for those leading new ecologically aware directions. 

CARBON - To understand the place of carbon in the Natural cycles is to comprehend the dynamic role of the cycles that manage the conditions for all life to exist. Returning stability to Earths natural cycles and resources that we used and altered on this dynamic planet is investing in our futures. It is leading a new way for farming and nature to coexist harmoniously in a way that it should always be, restored and functioning well. Natural law is the basis for all life to have balance, following it, observing it and designing for it leads to a coherent ecological balance for Earth and our future generations. It must be remembered that many on this planet only live from its resources and are not in a 'system', it is their right to conserve their ways and natural resources. It is up to those who have used the natural inheritance, developed world, to replenish, return and reinvent how humanity lives with nature in a progressive way. This must be the most fertile, functional beautiful creation we can dream of but first we need to plant again and make natures way the foundation for a better future. Carbon sinks are reservoirs that absorb and store atmospheric carbon through physical and biological processes.  


For any land we design a regionally specific planting plan that creates diverse natural ecosystems over the long term through replanting. The outcome not only sequesters carbon rapidly it also lays the foundation for activating natures own cycles way faster so replanted areas can look after themselves faster. Plant diversity the most efficient path to stabilising Earths natural cycles, anywhere in any place. If the Earth had its way, rapid plant diversity is the method Earth chooses to employ when repairing damaged areas. We have altered so much and have rendered it impossible for Earth to repair the land unless we leave for a few centuries. We are effecting the Natural order mainly through habitat depletion and will eventually pay the ultimate price through rendering Earths atmospheric conditions unsuitable for us to exist in extreme natural cycles. Our solution to the imbalance is to accelerate the healing process by nurturing the magic of a seed on the land and in our ecosystem nurseries, millions of them. We generate the plants nature would employ suited to regional climatic conditions and plant a dense diverse plant culture that becomes a rapid primary forest supporting a long term successional forest. Some forests are designed solely for nature and others are for human use and habitation also. It is generally pertinent to the land owners or community needs. 


As carbon maths is rather sketchy, after looking at many conflicting references, I have chosen to follow a simple premise, one tree sequesters one tonne co2 over 100 years. Why plant a forest if thats not the outlook of time to at least start with? Mainly it would be for money gained from chopping the wood so that is why at least 100 years is a minimum agreed period for our projects. Ideally we buy and own the projects and create a trust forever binding the land to be for ecosystem stability and ecological regenerative organic farming. For this we have a fund also. Join us and donate, join a landtribe, buy land to plant with us, whatever is comfortable so we can establish more. These sites also become places we can engage with over the long term. They all become valuable for local communities and nature. Some may become local farms for nature and provide vocational livelihoods living in ecologically correct ways, thriving.      


Through active partnerships with communities, businesses and people living on and investing in the land the caring for habitats planted is permanently established. It is of collective interest to know all natural capital we have invested in can remain stable over the long term and benefit local populations primarily. In carbon offsetting terms restoring nature is now a commodity that individuals and companies have a direct responsibility to invest in. It will be driven by Governments and corporations if the ones who live on and work on the land, farm, etc do not have the right support to direct those funds to projects with integrity. Small is more in effect and safer for worldwide communities over the long term. Our focus is benefitting local natural resources wherever projects may be. Restoring the dynamic natural function is what we do for the long term benefit of the natural world and local communities. 

Creating and stabilising diverse ecosystems is the best way to repay, in part, what we have all in some way used from nature. That has taken a lot and it cant keep up with us taking. We can all have a regenerating part to play through replanting areas of the World where human activities have eroded the Natural Cycles. Supporting new regenerative farming methods that nurture the soils of the Earth along the way and returning natural habitats hosting a wilder diversity of life.  

We have active partners in the UK, France, Sardinia, Spain, Portugal, South Africa and Zimbabwe for planting diverse ranges of trees, herbs shrubs and various plants for supporting ecosystem regeneration projects on their land and region. This equates to a collective all contributing towards restoring the carbon cycle and sequestering it over the long term. Our view is to establish a 100 year plan as a minimum and each person can offset their footprint as can a company through supporting the planting of trees and natural ecosystems. In our view it is worthy work regardless, 

We consult and work with communities, businesses, landowners and land purchasers wishing to develop and implement ecosystem planting plans in their region. Supporting this we establish Ecosystem Nurseries worldwide with active partners that grow trees and plants to plant out in diverse regenerative ecosystems and natural rewilding programs in their region. Our active partners are increasing and we continually support and monitor all planting programs.


You, Your Family or company can invest to plant a diverse Forest Ecosystem that allows natural life to return and establish Organic Regenerative Farms with ecosystem nurseries on land even near where you live. New age farming supporting ecology.



Some data and facts

  • One persons UK average turns out to be producing 13 tonnes of Co2. 

  • Percentage wise there is 0.04 Co2 in the atmosphere.

  • Farmlands make up 70% of UK land use.

  • One flight from London to Nairobi emits 2.2 tonnes of Co2

  • The least efficient way to plant a tree is alone or in a monoculture

  • One pond in an ecosystem generates an 70-80% diversity increase.

  • Extensive research has shown bird population falls are caused primarily by changes in agriculture. RSPB

  • The following lists percentage declines of some bird species recorded in the Common Bird Census UK between 1970 and 1999:

  • Tree sparrow  -95 per cent

  • Corn bunting  -88 per cent

  • Willow tit  -78 per cent

  • Spotted flycatcher -77 per cent

  • Woodcock  -74 per cent

  • Starling  -71 per cent

  • Turtle dove  -71 per cent

  • Song thrush  -56 per cent

  • Bullfinch  -53 per cent 

  • Skylark  -52 per cent

  • Cuckoo  -33 per cent

  • Both water vapor and CO2 are responsible for global warming. BOTH NEED PLANTS TO REGULATE the atmosphere AND ALL LIVING CREATURES NEED TREES AND PLANTS

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